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Visit with a Breast Center nurse about diagnosis, review resources and answer questions. Meet with the Breast Navigator (virtual, phone or in-person), learn about upcoming appointments (MRI and surgical consult) and discuss possible genetic testing. Learn about tumor pathology, hormone receptor/HER2 studies and what they mean for you.
Breast Cancer Navigator ServicesUnderstanding your Pathology ReportRisk Assessment and Genetic Testing
An MRI of both breasts is done to evaluate the extent of disease. A radiologist will meet with you immediately after the scan to explain the results and explore possible outcomes.
Learn more about Breast MRI
Meet with your surgeon to discuss options. Presurgeryhealth screening will be planned; this may include chest x-ray, bloodwork, and a referral to a plastic surgeon if reconstruction is desired. Surgery may be expected within six weeks of this time if no other treatment is needed.

Expect to meet a social worker, oncologist, and nurse at the first visit to discuss medication and or chemo if needed. Chemo may last around four months, and may occur before (neoadjuvant) or after (adjuvant) surgery. If chemo is needed, additional scans may be scheduled and an IV port may be placed. Chemo classes are offered to help you understand what to expect and possible side-effects. Nutrition and other support classes are available as well. Scans may be done periodically to check response to chemotherapy drugs.

Highlands Oncology Chemotherapy Information
Meet with a plastic surgeon to plan the type of reconstruction. Surgical treatment is scheduled once the reconstruction plan is in place. At future visits, learn about postoperative care, diet and recovery.
How are you coping? Anxiety? Questions? Reach out for support! Join a group or call one of the resources provided.
Preoperative appointments are scheduled to review details and answer questions. Surgical treatment maybe outpatient lumpectomy or inpatient mastectomy. Expect regular follow-up during recovery with the plastic surgeon and/or breast surgeon to monitor healing. Recovery may range from 2 to 6 weeks depending on surgery type. Physical therapy is available through Highlands Oncology, if needed.
Highlands Oncology Therapy
Radiation therapy is often paired with lumpectomy. Treatment usually begins after you have healed from surgery. You will consult with a radiation oncologist to review treatment details and answer questions. Expect daily appointments (weekdays)for 2 to 6 weeks for radiation dose. Radiation dose appointments are usually very quick, around 30 minutes.
Highlands Oncology Radiation Therapy
Depending on your surgery and treatment, you may plan on regular check-ups with oncologists, surgeons, and/or radiologists for follow-ups. Final reconstructive surgeries may take place at this stage. A Survivorship Care Plan is provided by Highlands Oncology to provide guidance in your ongoing health care.
Hope Cancer ResourcesHighlands OncologyBreast Cancer Navigator Services
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